I think it's definitely worth a try but this game is not worth the selling price of 60€, it's worth 30€ at best, so if you see it discounted go ahead and give it a try if it interests you, but don't go into the game expecting something at the level of Octopath Traveler. To try to reduce the impact of this, they made it so that if you lose a fight, you can retry it but keep the exp/level that you've earned when fighting the previously lost fight, so you get stronger when retrying fights, which feels like a band-aid game design decision. You're expected to grind EXP but the game is not open world and there's no real way to do it that fits the story unlike in Octopath where you can level up between areas.

Just following the story, grabbing the items on the floor - which by the way, sometimes are not possible to spot unless you wander around the whole area spamming X - grabbing the spoils when possible and buying materials to upgrade/enhance your characters is not enough to be on the required level/power for the battles as the game progresses on certain harder battles - and this while playing on Normal. The soundtrack is also enjoyable but there's no track that really stuck on me during the whole game.Īs for the battle system itself, it is quite unbalanced at best, it almost feels like it's designed to force you to play the New Game +. Some plot points are weird, specially the one at the beginning of Chapter 17, but the story is enjoyable overall.

Also, as expected from Square Enix, the game doesn't support PlayStation controller prompts, so you need to play with Xbox prompts even if you use a DualShock/DualSense. ini engine files as they are not exposed ingame. The game is also locked to 60 FPS for no reason without an in-game setting, needs to be unlocked through UE4 config files by overriding the max FPS setting, other settings such as Bloom also need to be configured manually through the. There are some low resolution textures, mainly for the ground, as well as weird background textures outside of the playable square area, which breaks a bit the immersion of the pixel artstyle that is otherwise very solid on Octopath, forcing Anisotropic Filtering to 16x and other settings through UE4 config files does not change this whatsoever. Overall it's a good game from Acquire Corp which follows the artstyle of Octopath Traveler, but with a tactical RPG battle system and without an open world.